• Reflections While Eating Lunch!

    Recently, while eating lunch at Cracker Barrel, I glanced up and spied this aged poster advertising “Everybody’s Hand Soap”. The ad boldly proclaimed the product best for everyone, cleaning all hands with 100% efficiency! I chuckled to myself and wondered if they had performed any valid scientific studies to back up that claim. As I ate my lunch, the image of my Pap’s hands, caked with motor oil and grease and smelling of gasoline, popped into my mind. For years, my grandfather had worked as a car mechanic and Grandma would say how difficult to wash this away from your hands. I saw Russ as a little boy playing in…

  • In the Meantime…

    A careful reading of Exodus 32, wherein the story of the golden calf can be found, reveals several important truths impacting our personal lives in 21st century America. • Wait on God’s timing. When Moses lingered on Mount Sinai for 40 days, the Israelites, encamped at the mountain’s base, grew restless. They wondered what would become of them if Moses never returned. Because of their impatience, fear, confusion, and lack of trust in God or Moses, they rashly acted on those doubts and almost sidetracked God’s plan for their lives. How many times have I earnestly prayed for something that did not materialize in the way and timeframe I preferred and…

  • With God What Possibilities!

    In Exodus chapters 13-14, Moses recorded how God freed His people from the bondage of slavery in Egypt. After the tenth plague, where firstborn males throughout the land suddenly dropped dead, the Pharaoh finally decided to let the Israelites go. Even as Moses and Aaron quickly guided their people out of the country in battle formation, Egyptians wailed over their inconceivable loss. They readily bestowed livestock and wealth upon the Israelites so that they would get out of Egypt as soon as possible. It appeared that the Egyptians and their Pharaoh had had enough of the Israelites and this mysterious, powerful God they followed. Appearing as a pillar of cloud…