Reflections While Eating Lunch!
Recently, while eating lunch at Cracker Barrel, I glanced up and spied this aged poster advertising “Everybody’s Hand Soap”. The ad boldly proclaimed the product best for everyone, cleaning all hands with 100% efficiency!
I chuckled to myself and wondered if they had performed any valid scientific studies to back up that claim. As I ate my lunch, the image of my Pap’s hands, caked with motor oil and grease and smelling of gasoline, popped into my mind. For years, my grandfather had worked as a car mechanic and Grandma would say how difficult to wash this away from your hands. I saw Russ as a little boy playing in fresh red South Carolina dirt, the kind that takes scrubbing to remove and then Tom’s hands splattered with those tiny, stubborn paint speckles from one of his projects. I recalled my student days as a young microbiologist preparing bacteriological stains from scratch. Purple, red, and green dye particles would seep from my very pores for days after such activity. I wondered, “Would it work there?”
Deeper questions rose for consideration. I recalled Pilate’s words declaring Jesus’ innocence as he desperately washed his hands hoping to remove his own responsibility in the matter. There were hands that denied and betrayed, hands that pushed and shoved, and hands that nailed Him to a cross. Then, I saw this world—not the beautiful creation God intended but rather, what we had made it, full of pollution, ugliness, hate, sin, and violence, angry people, hurting people, sad people, people without hope. Could it clean all their hands, or better yet their hearts? Could it do that for me, for you, because we are a part of this mess, too? Could it?
“Perhaps, you are expecting way too much of a soap product, “ you say. You would be right in your assessment, but let me add that Jesus freely offers what this ancient cleaning product claims and so much more. We just celebrated Easter but it’s not just about the bunny, the eggs, the candy, the feast, and the family gatherings although these bring us all so much delight and joy. As for me, I see Jesus and the wonder that He would die for me and because of my sin. I see Jesus and the wonder that He arose leaving in His wake an empty tomb and neatly folded grave cloths. I see Jesus and the wonder that He could change the course of my life and heal my brokenness. I see Jesus and let me assure anyone reading this—He will do the same for you if you humbly seek Him. “What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.” Yes, He IS risen and that changes everything!